Friday 30 August 2013

7 Unique Plants In The World
The plant was a diverse and unique creatures. Some sereem, unique, violent again! The following crops may be strange and unique in the world:
1.       Waiting on the World's Most plants
Welwitschia Mirabilis
It's a plant that toughness nope lakes, but Namibia's native plants are amazing, but the only one! These plants have only two leaves, and a stem and root system, it cuman aja! But two leaves continue to grow until eventually resemble aliens. The longer the stem of this plant will be more dense, but not rising, the maximum height of this plant is only 2 meters but can reach 8 meters wide. Age crop could reach 400 to 15 century!. Can survive without rain for 5 years! In addition, plants in Namibia called Onyanga this language turns out tasty to eat good eaten raw or cooked in bara.arti Onyanga name is Desert Onion!

2.       Carnivorous plants
Dionaea Muscipula
Crop this one is the most famous carnivorous plant, due to the activity and efficiency in trapping prey. Partners "leaves" that characterizes this crop is a trap that has an ultra-sensitive hair, who can feel the presence of small animals or insects come. This leaves the hair so touched, then the leaves will close and trap any animal that approached him.

3.       World's Largest Flower
Rafflesia Arnoldii
This rare large flowers unusual attention in the world. Imagine the flower size can reach 1 meter and its own weight can reach 8 kg to 12 kg. But nope fragrant smell problem, even rotten meat approach. Hence, this flower called carrion flower in our country, which is the natural habitat of this flower. These flowers will bloom a week or three days, and attract insects to fertilize with a foul smell emitted by these flowers. Unfortunately, the result of fertilization, only 10-20 percent yielding only grow.

4.       Dancing crop
Desmodium Gyrans
Darwin named this plant as Hedysarum, or the botanists call it Desmodium Gyrans, more modern or more Codariocalyx Motorius. Commonly known name is Dancing Grass (Dancing Grass) or Crop Semaphore (Semaphore Plant), because leaf movement, similar to the hand movement Semaphore signal sender. This plant grows skeali easy, just need sun and water only without fertilizer complex.

5.       Crop Ball Baseball
Euphorbia Obesa
This plant is a plant endemic to the Great Karoo region, South Africa. Because a funny shape, many plant lovers finally take this plant and mengkoleksinya, so the population is heavily damaged. Finally this crop is protected by the government of South Afika.

6.       Flower Wreckage
Amorphophallus Titanium
These flowers are a big high, even higher than humans. Well .. These flowers are named the flower that turns the carcass, because besides its carcass was similar, also mimic the color of rotting flesh. This flower appears also widely known in the world as one of Indonesian native plants.

7.       Bottle tree

This tree is a native plant area of ​​Madagascar, Africa and Australia. The tree was called the tree of the bottle, as well as its shape was similar to the bottle, this tree did in fact get meyimpan up to 300 liters of water! Therefore, can grow up to 500 years!...

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