Sunday 25 August 2013

7 Benefits of Eating Shrimp

7 Benefits of Eating Shrimp
Shrimp seafood is delicious and very healthy for people with normal cholesterol levels . This is because the shrimp low in calories and saturated fat . However , despite the relatively high cholesterol content , the study shows that the result does not raise the ocean 's overall cholesterol levels . Indeed , there was an increase LDL is the bad cholesterol , but levels of HDL which is good cholesterol also increased . If you are afraid of cholesterol , grilled or steamed shrimp dish and enjoy a variety of benefits for your health .
1.       prevent cancer
Every 85 grams of steamed shrimp can meet 48 percent of the daily amount of selenium body . Selenium deficiency has been associated with various types of cancer , including prostate cancer . Researchers at the Institute of Food Research ( IFR ) revealed that the combination of sulforaphane and selenium increased immune cancer as much as 13 -fold. Suforaphane rich foods include broccoli , cabbage , and other cruciferous vegetables results . In addition to preventing cancer , selenium is also able to increase the body's resistance to disease and infection .

2.       Maintain healthy skin , hair , and nails
Shampoo and lotion that not even the most expensive will be useful for your hair and skin without adequate protein intake . Protein is contained in every part of the living tissue and shrimp are a very rich source of the mineral. Calorie levels were low enough so it fits with the diet that you are running 
3.       prevent anemia
Shrimp contain 21 percent of vitamin B12 , which is a nutritional support production of red blood cells that can help prevent anemia . Vitamin B12 also helps manufacture of DNA , the genetic material contained in each cell . This will make the metabolism of proteins , carbohydrates , and fats in the cells of the body is complete .

4.       improve energy
Fatigue and feeling weak ? The symptoms are an indication of a lack of iron levels in the body . Shrimp are rich in the iron content . By eating the seafood , the intake of iron , which is an essential nutrient in the formation of the energy will be met . Energy to be obtained will not be excessive because it contains no calories high .

5.       strengthen bones
Animals were included in the class Crustacea contains phosphorus in the body . Calcium and phosphorus are two substances that will work together to form strong bones and teeth . In eating shrimp , should be eaten with the skin because the skin contains shrimp " glucosamine " is beneficial to help the formation of cartilage in bone joints . Depletion or damage to the cartilage will result in severe pain in the joints , which is commonly referred to as calcification .

6.       Helps process fat
Niacin ( vitamin B3 ) is contained in the shrimp can help the processing of fats, carbohydrates , and proteins into energy for the body . Niacin also serves to maintain healthy skin and prevent skin scaly .

7.       Reduce the risk of depression

Just like fish , shrimp also contain essential fatty acids , omega - 3 . Research has shown that omega - 3 can provide strong protection against depression and may help improve mood for those who are suffering from the disorder . In addition , omega - 3 can increase intelligence.

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