Saturday 24 August 2013

7 The Natural Genesis Rare In Meet

7 The Natural Genesis Rare In Meet
Nature is something of an omnipotent creation, nature can bring something as a sign or anything. The following 7 rare natural occurrence
1.       rainbow Moon
Rainbow occurs because the sun shines on droplets of dew, usually occurs in the atmosphere after the rain. More rare moonbow, only visible at night when the moon was at a low point at the time of the full moon almost full. One popular place to look is at the waterfall Moonbow Cumberland in the U.S. kentucky.

2.       mirage
Mirage appear when refracted light and produce an image of an object or the sky when it actually does not exist. This phenomenon usually occurs on hot surfaces, such as asphalt roads or desert sand.

3.       Venus belt
Belt of Venus is a phenomenon that appears at dusk when a set of dusty reddish and brownish sky appeared between the sky and the horizon.

4.       Noctilucent clouds
Noctilucent clouds are very high clouds in the atmosphere that refract light at dusk when the sun had sunk, illuminating / illuminated the sky with invisible light source.

5.       Aurora Borealis
In the southern hemisphere is also known as the Aurora Australis, Aurora Borealis is electrically charged particles from the sun that has reached the top of the earth's atmosphere and become very active. Aurora is usually often seen in areas near the poles and at the time when day and night equal in length.

6.       Mammatus clouds
Strange cloud shape is often associated with storms, and can not fully understand how clouds are formed.

7.       Fire Whirls

Vortex tornado that spun fire is too close to a forest fire or a vortex is formed because there is too much heat in the area.

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