Wednesday 28 August 2013

7 Most Unique Tunnel In The World

7 Most Unique Tunnel In The World
1.       Laerdal tunnel
Background : Approximately 5,000 different explosions carried out during the construction phase Laerdal Tunnel , which runs under the Norwegian mountains and fjords along the 15 miles, and this is a tunnel that was built with the longest time in the world . Why Unique : Driving through a tunnel for 20 minutes can be very monotonous , so a team of psychologists and engineers focused on how to maintain the concentration of the driver . " Psychological reaction in the tunnel is very important ... it makes the difference between people receiving facility or just avoid it , " said Youssef Hashash , professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois , who has worked 10 tunnel project different . " Given the length of this tunnel , you need an environment that is designed with care and good lighting system . " Some of the solutions used in the Laerdal tunnel include bright blue lights smooth bends and twists that keep making driver concentration . Most important is the fact that the tunnel is divided into several different sections , the driver can rest and create the impression that passengers traveling through some of the smaller tunnels .

2.       Channel tunnel
Background : Commonly known as the Chunnel , the giant truktur linking Britain and France . Completed in 1994, the 31 - mile tunnel is a cost exceeding $ 20 billion . Why Unique : Linking French and English through the English Channel is an idea that has sparked hundreds of years ago . " There were previous attempts to build a tunnel here , but they were stopped for various reasons , both technical and political , " said Hashash . after the found of modern technology , and consider the benefits if the two countries can be linked , then began the mega project . Because of its length , designers build another smaller tunnel to the road to escape in case of fire or accidents in the tunnel .

3.       Zion - Mount Carmel Tunnel
Background : The driver will find this structure in between Mount Zion National Park in Utah and Bryce Canyon National Park . Why Unique : A series of ornate window adorn the driver's side of the tunnel as a means of enjoying the scenery . " When you leave Zion heading to Bryce , you climb this path and go through the tunnel this beautiful . You can see the rock formations and beautiful scenery , " said Hashash . Because the tunnel is built penetrate sandstone , which is relatively soft rock , engineers had to strengthen the structure several times over the past 80 years , adding concrete ribs and 24- hour monitoring system .

4.       Smuggling tunnels
Background : Criminals have used an underground tunnel to carry all sorts of crimes , including bank robbery and drug smuggling . Over the past decade , smuggling tunnels have been found in the United States , comes from Canada and Mexico . Why Unique : In December , the U.S. and Mexican authorities find tunnel 1000 feet long , which leads to the U.S. , though not completed , the tunnel is equipped with lighting , a ventilation system , electricity , and even elevators . A statement from the Drug Enforcement Agency ( DEA ) indicates that the tunnel was built over two years .

5.       Marmaray Tunnel
Background : This intercontinental tunnel construction began in 2004 , but archaeological finds from the Byzantine era and other obstacles have delayed its completion . Why Unique : immersed tube tunnel will be the first to merge two different continents , which runs under the Bosporus Strait to connect the European side of Istanbul with the Asian side . Marmaray tunnel is the deepest immersed tube tunnel in the world , with a maximum depth of 180 meters .

6.       Thames Tunnel
Background : At first glance it does not look impressive Thames Tunnel ; length of 1,300 feet and a depth of 75 - feet and looked pale in comparison to the other tunnel . But the Thames Tunnel is a milestone in tunnel engineering . Why Unique : " This is the first underwater tunnel , and it was the first time the concept of shield tunneling is used , " Hashash tell . " This is a major milestone . " Tunneling shield is a tool developed by Sir Marc Isambard Brunel who serves as a temporary support structure , allowing construction crews to safely , and flat , install permanent support system underwater . Construct the Thames Tunnel as a novelty in the early 19th century that visitors would pay to get in at the construction site , and even Brunel concerts and banquets in the unfinished structure . When the tunnel is completed in 1843 , Queen Victoria gave knighthood to Brunel for his services in the construction world .

7.       Seikan Tunnel

Background: The 33.5 - mile long tunnel connects the island of Honshu with the island of Hokkaido . Construction was completed in 1988 . Why Unique : Located at 787 meters below sea level, the Seikan Tunnel is the deepest tunnel in the world . In addition , the 33.5 mile length makes the longest tunnel being used . Excavation area geology and volcanic rocks which prevented boring engineers using advanced machines , forcing them to destroy and quickly dig under the Tsugaru Strait .

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