Tuesday 27 August 2013

7 Errors That Are Changing History

7 Errors That Are Changing History
1.       Source strength Spinach
Popeye the Sailor Man: you know you love it, at least once watching cartoons. He described seem to have to use his head as a hammer for 8 decades, like the girl anoreksianya, fighting more than once a month, and have long arms and big. Power source: spinach.
Unfortunately, claims about a very famous spinach is associated with the offense of the 19th century followed by the biggest conspiracy in the history of agriculture. In 1870, a study in Germany made a mistake in print decimal placement for the iron content in spinach, which is the main fuel Popeye, so too far to the right. For readers who are non-mathematically inclined, interprets that spinach has iron content 10 times more than that in fact, equivalent to a piece of red meat. As a result, an entire generation of children from reaching the elderly, even though doctors thought that by eating spinach will be turned you be as strong as Wolverine.
The consequences:
Unfortunately, it is impressive that the entire E. Coli scare on the planet would not change a 140-year old mistake. It turns spinach industry also do propaganda. Right now, the Kids Edition of the Encyclopedia Britanica tells the children that spinach has iron content in the initial sentence article, in whole encyclopedia is using 3 of 79 words that define that "spinach is rich in iron". Oddly, the article does not mention the Britanica watermelon for any of the content, even if fruit actually have the same amount of iron in spinach.

2.       NASA's Mariner crash 1
Just imagine: When scientific thinking very big failure, that even Arthur C. Clarke began to break his wisdom about them, maybe it was time to think more seriously to switch to a more suitable job. That's what happened at NASA in 1962 with the launch of Mariner 1, as inter-planetary research first Americans, who brings bad luck. The probe should be close enough to the venus fly to get a bit nicer. But even smoke because of failure of the software system fails, no different from the case as a video game in a hurry in the production process. In summary, the control board from point accuracy Golden Eye become Superman speed, exceeding the speed of the bullet crashing to the earth, at 1000 miles / hour.
Several persons forget the overbar write code or period (or even worse, on both), which turns out is a big mistake, because rocket science is like a stubborn lady. Treat her well and she will take you jumped into a strange new world, but if you screw it up once, then he will slam your car door and blow outright anger (in a bad way).
The consequences:
Once it becomes clear that this is a software fault that has spent little larger cost of a SCUD missile, there is no other choice for NASA as well blow up the aircraft worth $ 80 million less than 5 minutes after the release. Arthur C. Clarke describes the missing overbar as "the most expensive hyphen in history", which makes it more expensive for the case of $ 80 million that is when the price of movie tickets for less than $ 1 only.
3.       Mizuho Securities collapsed Double
Despite mengkin suicide looks like a recipe that has been completed in Japan for a variety of things from a bad test values ​​up feeling tired, but it still invites questions what is considered excessive by Japanese standards. Like, say .. what do employers Tokyo at large after they finance the cost of his company used to make the titanic? In 24 hours?
It all started when his debut a rekruitment enterprise workforce now legendary, J-Com Co.. with the aim of offering worth 610 000 yen per share ($ 5,041). Fault significantly pinned underneath, at 1 yen per share. Although these measures may create disaster itself enough, the price jumped to levels Battlefield Earth after it was revealed that Mizuho Securities also offers 41x total J-Com Co. shares. This allusion as selling more than 40x copy of The Amazing Spider-Man # 1 with their prices less than 1 penny on eBay .. and forced to return in yen for every customer who is not satisfied.
The consequences:
Since excessive actions are not allowed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Mizuho Securities had seen the terrible reality that their companies suffered losses of millions of dollars. For 24 hours, two cases had been hurt Mizuho Securities for $ 225 million.
4.       Natural Bruce Wayne Sentenced Dead .. Because An Error
Regardless of what you think about the death penalty, we all probably agree that we should really prepare yourself while attending executions, especially if they kill people named Bruce Wayne.
In 1985, Bruce Wayne Morris who looks very similar to a Batman, was convicted of robbing and killing a man with a rod of iron and stone. It comes time for punishment, and the jury must decide between execution or life in prison and not given the opportunity to be free. It seems simple enough. Well, until the judge issues the instruction to the jury that imprison Bruce Wayne is the case that is not possible .. and inadvertently left the "do not". The jury, now confused, thinking that they have to choose between death and let it roam the streets a few years, raising the death.

The consequences:
It may take more than 10 years and some time to reverse the appeals court decision that the state of California for nearly executes Bruce Wayne typo. Of course, at that conference had cost, up to hundreds of thousands, if not millions want to be counted, using the tax could make California bankrupt.
5.       By the said Vacancy In English Added to
Because English is a bit of a wide range of languages, then you will find that English includes words from many crazy places. However, now and forever you'll find the words in English etymological dictionary that is not derived from Greek or Latin. "Dord", introduced to the world in 1931, as one said.
This delightful word first appeared in Webster's Third New International Dictionary as a noun in the physics and chemistry of matter density. Since then, "dord" from worn by the editor. After extensive research by which we can assume as Grammar policy, expressed that "dord" was originally asked on 31 July 1931 by Austin M. Patterson, editor of Webster's chemistry, to reading "D or d", an abbreviation of density. But, if the distance between the letters are too close ..
The consequences:
When you observe, you will be surprised by the information available from this mistake from day to day, month to month, even year after year. How do we know this? Medium: Do not glued to the Grammar Police, especially for English.
6.       Chilean Currency Exchange
When the president of the Chilean Mint accidentally let a series of tie circulating coin misprint, there will be no awkward though there is no notification. Even so, it would not be amazing if we spend the money paper misprint.
In this case, the engraver Pedro Urzua Lizana guilty in December 2008. Under the agreement Lizana, Iniguez, and several other employees, the Chilean Mint incorrectly spell the name of their own country.
The consequences:
Only God knows how many coins "Chiie" already circulating, because not until 10 months later, people began to see it. The whole cabal was fired because of embarrassing oversight, and the Chilean government had no other choice but to let the coins still circulating. However, those responsible may be crying throughout his life since the coins made goods collection. The same goes for you, if you think that a coin worth 50 pesos a misprint is more valuable than a dime a truck.

7.       The Wicked Bible
Although not a secret that the Bible has undergone more changes than Star Wars, people need to look further reprints the King James Bible in 1631, better known as the Wicked Bible.
To reprint the King James Bible, the government printing Robert Barker and Martin Lucas should arrange the exact duplicate of the original book and all that are in them by 1189 chapter, verse 31 101 and 783 137 words, as Mahershalalhashbaz which became misspelled. However, since the printing of the book equivalent of a wood carving, then one can eliminate typing errors only a word in Exodus 20:14. Unfortunately, one of the missing words from the 783 137 who said there is a very important part of speech. Yup, "Thou Shalt commit adultery", which means "You fornicate".
The consequences:

Historians have not reached consensus on whether this is a ground fault in the English-speaking population bastard. We know, King Charles I ordered to remove the printing business license and fined 300 pounds. King then ordered to burn every copy of a book that is, until now only 11 books left alone. However, there is karma, King Charles I became king of England a first in the history of his trial on charges of treason and then executed....

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