Saturday 31 August 2013

7 Jobs That Trigger Depression

7 Jobs That Trigger Depression
Stress or depression is a common problem experienced by almost all workers, both in the office and in the field there. Deborah Legge, PhD, a mental health counselor in Buffalo, New York, USA, revealed, there are some aspects that contribute to or exacerbate stress on the job. One is the erratic working hours.
Of the many types of jobs, there are certain jobs that are very susceptible to stress and pressure. What job is it? The following are the explanations:
1.      Special nurse elderly people and small children
People who worked as a personal care service providers are at the top as a group at risk of depression, which almost reached 11 percent.
Christopher Willard, clinical psychologist from Tufts University, said, "The nurse will stress more often meet people sick and did not quite get the positive support of patients treated," he said.
2.      Waitress
"Waiter restaurant includes a group of workers who are often not appreciated. Fact, they tend to get rough treatment from the buyers," said Legge. According to Legge, when a person is depressed, it will be difficult for them to have the energy and motivation.
3.      Social workers
It is not surprising that social workers are at risk for major depression group. Type of work they are always dealing with people who needed help, for example, cases of abuse against children or other social activities, can lead to high stress levels.
"They work for the people who need help so will much of the time. I see that a lot of social workers and other caring professions tend combustible emotions," says the researcher.
4.      Health-care workers
Doctors, nurses, therapists, and other health professionals are in risky occupations category of depression because they tend to have irregular working hours and have a great responsibility related to the safety of lives of others. "Every day they see the disease, trauma, and death, as well as dealing with family members of patients," said Willard.
5.      Artists, "entertainer", and author
Workers in this field tend to have irregular income and working hours are not sure. Creative people may also have a higher risk of developing mood disorders (about 9 percent). "One thing I see a lot of the entertainment and arts workers are bipolar disease (sudden changes in mood)," said Legge.

6.      Teacher
Demands on teachers or teachers seem to be constantly evolving. "There's a different pressure they receive, from the children, parents, and school-related compliance value. All groups have different demands," Willard said.
7.      Administrative staff
"Workers in this group generally are at the forefront and has received orders from all directions. However, they also are at the bottom in terms of control," said Legge.

In fact, they are also more likely to experience the unexpected and do not get all the related recognition of the work they do.

Friday 30 August 2013

7 Unique Plants In The World
The plant was a diverse and unique creatures. Some sereem, unique, violent again! The following crops may be strange and unique in the world:
1.       Waiting on the World's Most plants
Welwitschia Mirabilis
It's a plant that toughness nope lakes, but Namibia's native plants are amazing, but the only one! These plants have only two leaves, and a stem and root system, it cuman aja! But two leaves continue to grow until eventually resemble aliens. The longer the stem of this plant will be more dense, but not rising, the maximum height of this plant is only 2 meters but can reach 8 meters wide. Age crop could reach 400 to 15 century!. Can survive without rain for 5 years! In addition, plants in Namibia called Onyanga this language turns out tasty to eat good eaten raw or cooked in bara.arti Onyanga name is Desert Onion!

2.       Carnivorous plants
Dionaea Muscipula
Crop this one is the most famous carnivorous plant, due to the activity and efficiency in trapping prey. Partners "leaves" that characterizes this crop is a trap that has an ultra-sensitive hair, who can feel the presence of small animals or insects come. This leaves the hair so touched, then the leaves will close and trap any animal that approached him.

3.       World's Largest Flower
Rafflesia Arnoldii
This rare large flowers unusual attention in the world. Imagine the flower size can reach 1 meter and its own weight can reach 8 kg to 12 kg. But nope fragrant smell problem, even rotten meat approach. Hence, this flower called carrion flower in our country, which is the natural habitat of this flower. These flowers will bloom a week or three days, and attract insects to fertilize with a foul smell emitted by these flowers. Unfortunately, the result of fertilization, only 10-20 percent yielding only grow.

4.       Dancing crop
Desmodium Gyrans
Darwin named this plant as Hedysarum, or the botanists call it Desmodium Gyrans, more modern or more Codariocalyx Motorius. Commonly known name is Dancing Grass (Dancing Grass) or Crop Semaphore (Semaphore Plant), because leaf movement, similar to the hand movement Semaphore signal sender. This plant grows skeali easy, just need sun and water only without fertilizer complex.

5.       Crop Ball Baseball
Euphorbia Obesa
This plant is a plant endemic to the Great Karoo region, South Africa. Because a funny shape, many plant lovers finally take this plant and mengkoleksinya, so the population is heavily damaged. Finally this crop is protected by the government of South Afika.

6.       Flower Wreckage
Amorphophallus Titanium
These flowers are a big high, even higher than humans. Well .. These flowers are named the flower that turns the carcass, because besides its carcass was similar, also mimic the color of rotting flesh. This flower appears also widely known in the world as one of Indonesian native plants.

7.       Bottle tree

This tree is a native plant area of ​​Madagascar, Africa and Australia. The tree was called the tree of the bottle, as well as its shape was similar to the bottle, this tree did in fact get meyimpan up to 300 liters of water! Therefore, can grow up to 500 years!...

Thursday 29 August 2013

10 Strange Culture Disorders

10 Strange Culture Disorders
The phenomenon of mental disorders, mental, and or possession occurred in various parts of the world, are considered as cultural syndromes talkative because there happens to one person but a group, or regional. Like 5 cultural disruption described briefly below:
1.       Saora Disorder
Among the Saora tribe that inhabited the region of Orissa in India, the youth and pemudinya sometimes shows an abnormal perlilaku, the psychiatric experts from the West called it a mental disorder. They cried, laughed in an unspecified time, memory loss, fainting, and even feels like thousands of ant bites. This disorder usually affects the youth and young adult women who are not interested in living a normal life in their tribe who mostly petani.Berdasarkan livelihood as their beliefs, behaviors indicate that someone is being approached by a supernatural creature to marry.

2.       Couvade syndrome
This syndrome is experienced by men whose partners are pregnant and approaching the birth of her baby. Expectant fathers who experience this syndrome pregnancies will experience the prospective mother. The pain of childbirth, postpartum exiled, dietary restrictions and have intercourse. Even the extreme case is when the syndrome is able to change the body shape of the prospective father, looks like a woman seven months pregnant.

3.       Grisi Siknis (Disease Mad)
In English is called the "Crazy Sickness", or madness, is a contagious disease, a syndrome that dominates talkative residents Miskito village in the eastern part of Central America, Nicaragua, and primarily affects young women 15-18 years old. During the state of the mental illness, the patient will be unconscious, fell to the ground, then fled. But before going on the attack, the patient will experience a phenomenon characterized by, headache, dizziness, restlessness, nausea, and unprovoked anger or fear. Said to be contagious because the patient will usually mention the name of someone who was in the vicinity, and infected.

4.       Madness ghost (Ghost Sickness)
Ghost madness, or in English, is a cultural syndrome "talkative" that are associated with the spirits of the dead or dying by Native American tribes. Also associated with witchcraft. Synonymous with original Navajo community pskosis disorders. In general, the symptoms of this mental disorder characterized by loss of passion for life, a feeling of choking (shortness of breath), repeatedly nightmares and feeling threatened.

5.       Gurumba
Gurumba means the wild, crazy, and usually occurs in men who are married. When a man experiencing this condition wildness, then he will do anything to steal goods neighbors, take valuable items it thinks it could turn out. He then ran into the woods for a few days do not come back. But he returned in a state like nothing happened, and even the stolen goods were not carried along. The patient looks hyperactive and clumsy stuttering. This event occurred in the country Guinea.

6.       Koro
Koro is a psychological disorder characterized by delusions of penis shrinkage and retraction into the body, accompanied by panic and fear of death. This delusion is rooted in Chinese metaphysics and cultural practices. The disorder is associated with the belief that the sexual act is unhealthy or abnormal (such as sex with prostitutes, masturbation, or even nocturnal emissions) disturb the yin / equilibrium which existed when the husband allegedly having sex with his wife, that is, during normal "sexual intercourse." Koro also thought to be transmitted through food. In 1967, an epidemic of koro in Singapore after newspapers reported cases of koro due to eating pork from pigs that had been inoculated against swine fever. Not only pork sales down, but hundreds of koro cases followed.

7.       Windigo
Wendigo Psychosis is a mental disorder in which a person is very hungry for human flesh and thinks they turned into a cannibal (despite an abundance of healthy food available). The most common response among Aboriginal communities where Wendigo psychosis is most prevalent, was curing attempts by traditional native healers or Western doctors. In cases of unusual when these efforts failed, and the Wendigo sufferer began either to threaten those around them or to commit violence or anti-social, they were then generally executed. While some have denied the existence of this disorder, there are several credible witnesses, both by aboriginal communities and by Westerners, that prove that Wendigo psychosis was a factual historical phenomenon.

8.       Berserkers
Anger affects the Norsemen, who called berserkergang, occurs not only in the heat of battle, but also during heavy work. The man who thus seized performed things which otherwise seemed impossible for human power. This condition is said to have begun with shivering, chattering of the teeth, and chill in the body, and then face swollen and discolored. By connecting large hot-headedness, which at last gave over into a rage, where they howl like wild animals, bit the edge of their shields, and cut down everything they met without distinguishing between friend or foe. When the stop condition, a great dulling of the mind and weakness followed, which could last for one or several days.

9. Shenkui

A sufferer of shenkui (culture-bound syndromes China) showed marked anxiety or panic symptoms with somatic complaints that there is no physical cause can be shown. Symptoms include dizziness, backache, fatiguability, general weakness, insomnia, frequent dreams, and complaints of sexual dysfunction (such as premature ejaculation and impotence). Symptoms were associated with a reduction in weight of cement of frequent sexual intercourse, masturbation, nocturnal emissions, or the passing of "white turbid urine" believed to contain semen. Excessive semen loss is feared because it is losing one's vital essence and can thus can be life threatening.

10. Homosexual Panic

Homosexual panic is a term, first coined by psychiatrist Edward J. Kempf in 1920, which explains, acute brief reactive psychosis involving delusions and hallucinations accusing people of homosexual activities. This condition most often occurs in people who suffer from schizoid personality disorder who have isolated themselves from physical intimacy. Damage often occurs in situations that involve enforced intimacy with the same sex, such as dormitories or military barracks. This happens most frequently mass mobilization of World War II when barracks typically provided little privacy with communal bathrooms and often without doors or even cubicles around toilets. Treatment usually involves hospitalization, the first to remove the person from the situation and also because the condition can lead to suicide or murder. Usually members of the opposite sex are chosen to treat those who suffer from the disorder, and invasive procedures such as injections with needles or suppositories avoided....

Wednesday 28 August 2013

7 Most Unique Tunnel In The World

7 Most Unique Tunnel In The World
1.       Laerdal tunnel
Background : Approximately 5,000 different explosions carried out during the construction phase Laerdal Tunnel , which runs under the Norwegian mountains and fjords along the 15 miles, and this is a tunnel that was built with the longest time in the world . Why Unique : Driving through a tunnel for 20 minutes can be very monotonous , so a team of psychologists and engineers focused on how to maintain the concentration of the driver . " Psychological reaction in the tunnel is very important ... it makes the difference between people receiving facility or just avoid it , " said Youssef Hashash , professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois , who has worked 10 tunnel project different . " Given the length of this tunnel , you need an environment that is designed with care and good lighting system . " Some of the solutions used in the Laerdal tunnel include bright blue lights smooth bends and twists that keep making driver concentration . Most important is the fact that the tunnel is divided into several different sections , the driver can rest and create the impression that passengers traveling through some of the smaller tunnels .

2.       Channel tunnel
Background : Commonly known as the Chunnel , the giant truktur linking Britain and France . Completed in 1994, the 31 - mile tunnel is a cost exceeding $ 20 billion . Why Unique : Linking French and English through the English Channel is an idea that has sparked hundreds of years ago . " There were previous attempts to build a tunnel here , but they were stopped for various reasons , both technical and political , " said Hashash . after the found of modern technology , and consider the benefits if the two countries can be linked , then began the mega project . Because of its length , designers build another smaller tunnel to the road to escape in case of fire or accidents in the tunnel .

3.       Zion - Mount Carmel Tunnel
Background : The driver will find this structure in between Mount Zion National Park in Utah and Bryce Canyon National Park . Why Unique : A series of ornate window adorn the driver's side of the tunnel as a means of enjoying the scenery . " When you leave Zion heading to Bryce , you climb this path and go through the tunnel this beautiful . You can see the rock formations and beautiful scenery , " said Hashash . Because the tunnel is built penetrate sandstone , which is relatively soft rock , engineers had to strengthen the structure several times over the past 80 years , adding concrete ribs and 24- hour monitoring system .

4.       Smuggling tunnels
Background : Criminals have used an underground tunnel to carry all sorts of crimes , including bank robbery and drug smuggling . Over the past decade , smuggling tunnels have been found in the United States , comes from Canada and Mexico . Why Unique : In December , the U.S. and Mexican authorities find tunnel 1000 feet long , which leads to the U.S. , though not completed , the tunnel is equipped with lighting , a ventilation system , electricity , and even elevators . A statement from the Drug Enforcement Agency ( DEA ) indicates that the tunnel was built over two years .

5.       Marmaray Tunnel
Background : This intercontinental tunnel construction began in 2004 , but archaeological finds from the Byzantine era and other obstacles have delayed its completion . Why Unique : immersed tube tunnel will be the first to merge two different continents , which runs under the Bosporus Strait to connect the European side of Istanbul with the Asian side . Marmaray tunnel is the deepest immersed tube tunnel in the world , with a maximum depth of 180 meters .

6.       Thames Tunnel
Background : At first glance it does not look impressive Thames Tunnel ; length of 1,300 feet and a depth of 75 - feet and looked pale in comparison to the other tunnel . But the Thames Tunnel is a milestone in tunnel engineering . Why Unique : " This is the first underwater tunnel , and it was the first time the concept of shield tunneling is used , " Hashash tell . " This is a major milestone . " Tunneling shield is a tool developed by Sir Marc Isambard Brunel who serves as a temporary support structure , allowing construction crews to safely , and flat , install permanent support system underwater . Construct the Thames Tunnel as a novelty in the early 19th century that visitors would pay to get in at the construction site , and even Brunel concerts and banquets in the unfinished structure . When the tunnel is completed in 1843 , Queen Victoria gave knighthood to Brunel for his services in the construction world .

7.       Seikan Tunnel

Background: The 33.5 - mile long tunnel connects the island of Honshu with the island of Hokkaido . Construction was completed in 1988 . Why Unique : Located at 787 meters below sea level, the Seikan Tunnel is the deepest tunnel in the world . In addition , the 33.5 mile length makes the longest tunnel being used . Excavation area geology and volcanic rocks which prevented boring engineers using advanced machines , forcing them to destroy and quickly dig under the Tsugaru Strait .

Tuesday 27 August 2013

7 Errors That Are Changing History

7 Errors That Are Changing History
1.       Source strength Spinach
Popeye the Sailor Man: you know you love it, at least once watching cartoons. He described seem to have to use his head as a hammer for 8 decades, like the girl anoreksianya, fighting more than once a month, and have long arms and big. Power source: spinach.
Unfortunately, claims about a very famous spinach is associated with the offense of the 19th century followed by the biggest conspiracy in the history of agriculture. In 1870, a study in Germany made a mistake in print decimal placement for the iron content in spinach, which is the main fuel Popeye, so too far to the right. For readers who are non-mathematically inclined, interprets that spinach has iron content 10 times more than that in fact, equivalent to a piece of red meat. As a result, an entire generation of children from reaching the elderly, even though doctors thought that by eating spinach will be turned you be as strong as Wolverine.
The consequences:
Unfortunately, it is impressive that the entire E. Coli scare on the planet would not change a 140-year old mistake. It turns spinach industry also do propaganda. Right now, the Kids Edition of the Encyclopedia Britanica tells the children that spinach has iron content in the initial sentence article, in whole encyclopedia is using 3 of 79 words that define that "spinach is rich in iron". Oddly, the article does not mention the Britanica watermelon for any of the content, even if fruit actually have the same amount of iron in spinach.
2.       NASA's Mariner crash 1
Just imagine: When scientific thinking very big failure, that even Arthur C. Clarke began to break his wisdom about them, maybe it was time to think more seriously to switch to a more suitable job. That's what happened at NASA in 1962 with the launch of Mariner 1, as inter-planetary research first Americans, who brings bad luck. The probe should be close enough to the venus fly to get a bit nicer. But even smoke because of failure of the software system fails, no different from the case as a video game in a hurry in the production process. In summary, the control board from point accuracy Golden Eye become Superman speed, exceeding the speed of the bullet crashing to the earth, at 1000 miles / hour.
Several persons forget the overbar write code or period (or even worse, on both), which turns out is a big mistake, because rocket science is like a stubborn lady. Treat her well and she will take you jumped into a strange new world, but if you screw it up once, then he will slam your car door and blow outright anger (in a bad way).
The consequences:
Once it becomes clear that this is a software fault that has spent little larger cost of a SCUD missile, there is no other choice for NASA as well blow up the aircraft worth $ 80 million less than 5 minutes after the release. Arthur C. Clarke describes the missing overbar as "the most expensive hyphen in history", which makes it more expensive for the case of $ 80 million that is when the price of movie tickets for less than $ 1 only.
3.       Mizuho Securities collapsed Double
Despite mengkin suicide looks like a recipe that has been completed in Japan for a variety of things from a bad test values ​​up feeling tired, but it still invites questions what is considered excessive by Japanese standards. Like, say .. what do employers Tokyo at large after they finance the cost of his company used to make the titanic? In 24 hours?
It all started when his debut a rekruitment enterprise workforce now legendary, J-Com Co.. with the aim of offering worth 610 000 yen per share ($ 5,041). Fault significantly pinned underneath, at 1 yen per share. Although these measures may create disaster itself enough, the price jumped to levels Battlefield Earth after it was revealed that Mizuho Securities also offers 41x total J-Com Co. shares. This allusion as selling more than 40x copy of The Amazing Spider-Man # 1 with their prices less than 1 penny on eBay .. and forced to return in yen for every customer who is not satisfied.
The consequences:
Since excessive actions are not allowed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Mizuho Securities had seen the terrible reality that their companies suffered losses of millions of dollars. For 24 hours, two cases had been hurt Mizuho Securities for $ 225 million.
4.       Natural Bruce Wayne Sentenced Dead .. Because An Error
Regardless of what you think about the death penalty, we all probably agree that we should really prepare yourself while attending executions, especially if they kill people named Bruce Wayne.
In 1985, Bruce Wayne Morris who looks very similar to a Batman, was convicted of robbing and killing a man with a rod of iron and stone. It comes time for punishment, and the jury must decide between execution or life in prison and not given the opportunity to be free. It seems simple enough. Well, until the judge issues the instruction to the jury that imprison Bruce Wayne is the case that is not possible .. and inadvertently left the "do not". The jury, now confused, thinking that they have to choose between death and let it roam the streets a few years, raising the death.

The consequences:
It may take more than 10 years and some time to reverse the appeals court decision that the state of California for nearly executes Bruce Wayne typo. Of course, at that conference had cost, up to hundreds of thousands, if not millions want to be counted, using the tax could make California bankrupt.
5.       By the said Vacancy In English Added to
Because English is a bit of a wide range of languages, then you will find that English includes words from many crazy places. However, now and forever you'll find the words in English etymological dictionary that is not derived from Greek or Latin. "Dord", introduced to the world in 1931, as one said.
This delightful word first appeared in Webster's Third New International Dictionary as a noun in the physics and chemistry of matter density. Since then, "dord" from worn by the editor. After extensive research by which we can assume as Grammar policy, expressed that "dord" was originally asked on 31 July 1931 by Austin M. Patterson, editor of Webster's chemistry, to reading "D or d", an abbreviation of density. But, if the distance between the letters are too close ..
The consequences:
When you observe, you will be surprised by the information available from this mistake from day to day, month to month, even year after year. How do we know this? Medium: Do not glued to the Grammar Police, especially for English.
6.       Chilean Currency Exchange
When the president of the Chilean Mint accidentally let a series of tie circulating coin misprint, there will be no awkward though there is no notification. Even so, it would not be amazing if we spend the money paper misprint.
In this case, the engraver Pedro Urzua Lizana guilty in December 2008. Under the agreement Lizana, Iniguez, and several other employees, the Chilean Mint incorrectly spell the name of their own country.
The consequences:
Only God knows how many coins "Chiie" already circulating, because not until 10 months later, people began to see it. The whole cabal was fired because of embarrassing oversight, and the Chilean government had no other choice but to let the coins still circulating. However, those responsible may be crying throughout his life since the coins made goods collection. The same goes for you, if you think that a coin worth 50 pesos a misprint is more valuable than a dime a truck.

7.       The Wicked Bible
Although not a secret that the Bible has undergone more changes than Star Wars, people need to look further reprints the King James Bible in 1631, better known as the Wicked Bible.
To reprint the King James Bible, the government printing Robert Barker and Martin Lucas should arrange the exact duplicate of the original book and all that are in them by 1189 chapter, verse 31 101 and 783 137 words, as Mahershalalhashbaz which became misspelled. However, since the printing of the book equivalent of a wood carving, then one can eliminate typing errors only a word in Exodus 20:14. Unfortunately, one of the missing words from the 783 137 who said there is a very important part of speech. Yup, "Thou Shalt commit adultery", which means "You fornicate".
The consequences:

Historians have not reached consensus on whether this is a ground fault in the English-speaking population bastard. We know, King Charles I ordered to remove the printing business license and fined 300 pounds. King then ordered to burn every copy of a book that is, until now only 11 books left alone. However, there is karma, King Charles I became king of England a first in the history of his trial on charges of treason and then executed....

7 Errors That Are Changing History

7 Errors That Are Changing History
1.       Source strength Spinach
Popeye the Sailor Man: you know you love it, at least once watching cartoons. He described seem to have to use his head as a hammer for 8 decades, like the girl anoreksianya, fighting more than once a month, and have long arms and big. Power source: spinach.
Unfortunately, claims about a very famous spinach is associated with the offense of the 19th century followed by the biggest conspiracy in the history of agriculture. In 1870, a study in Germany made a mistake in print decimal placement for the iron content in spinach, which is the main fuel Popeye, so too far to the right. For readers who are non-mathematically inclined, interprets that spinach has iron content 10 times more than that in fact, equivalent to a piece of red meat. As a result, an entire generation of children from reaching the elderly, even though doctors thought that by eating spinach will be turned you be as strong as Wolverine.
The consequences:
Unfortunately, it is impressive that the entire E. Coli scare on the planet would not change a 140-year old mistake. It turns spinach industry also do propaganda. Right now, the Kids Edition of the Encyclopedia Britanica tells the children that spinach has iron content in the initial sentence article, in whole encyclopedia is using 3 of 79 words that define that "spinach is rich in iron". Oddly, the article does not mention the Britanica watermelon for any of the content, even if fruit actually have the same amount of iron in spinach.

2.       NASA's Mariner crash 1
Just imagine: When scientific thinking very big failure, that even Arthur C. Clarke began to break his wisdom about them, maybe it was time to think more seriously to switch to a more suitable job. That's what happened at NASA in 1962 with the launch of Mariner 1, as inter-planetary research first Americans, who brings bad luck. The probe should be close enough to the venus fly to get a bit nicer. But even smoke because of failure of the software system fails, no different from the case as a video game in a hurry in the production process. In summary, the control board from point accuracy Golden Eye become Superman speed, exceeding the speed of the bullet crashing to the earth, at 1000 miles / hour.
Several persons forget the overbar write code or period (or even worse, on both), which turns out is a big mistake, because rocket science is like a stubborn lady. Treat her well and she will take you jumped into a strange new world, but if you screw it up once, then he will slam your car door and blow outright anger (in a bad way).
The consequences:
Once it becomes clear that this is a software fault that has spent little larger cost of a SCUD missile, there is no other choice for NASA as well blow up the aircraft worth $ 80 million less than 5 minutes after the release. Arthur C. Clarke describes the missing overbar as "the most expensive hyphen in history", which makes it more expensive for the case of $ 80 million that is when the price of movie tickets for less than $ 1 only.
3.       Mizuho Securities collapsed Double
Despite mengkin suicide looks like a recipe that has been completed in Japan for a variety of things from a bad test values ​​up feeling tired, but it still invites questions what is considered excessive by Japanese standards. Like, say .. what do employers Tokyo at large after they finance the cost of his company used to make the titanic? In 24 hours?
It all started when his debut a rekruitment enterprise workforce now legendary, J-Com Co.. with the aim of offering worth 610 000 yen per share ($ 5,041). Fault significantly pinned underneath, at 1 yen per share. Although these measures may create disaster itself enough, the price jumped to levels Battlefield Earth after it was revealed that Mizuho Securities also offers 41x total J-Com Co. shares. This allusion as selling more than 40x copy of The Amazing Spider-Man # 1 with their prices less than 1 penny on eBay .. and forced to return in yen for every customer who is not satisfied.
The consequences:
Since excessive actions are not allowed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Mizuho Securities had seen the terrible reality that their companies suffered losses of millions of dollars. For 24 hours, two cases had been hurt Mizuho Securities for $ 225 million.
4.       Natural Bruce Wayne Sentenced Dead .. Because An Error
Regardless of what you think about the death penalty, we all probably agree that we should really prepare yourself while attending executions, especially if they kill people named Bruce Wayne.
In 1985, Bruce Wayne Morris who looks very similar to a Batman, was convicted of robbing and killing a man with a rod of iron and stone. It comes time for punishment, and the jury must decide between execution or life in prison and not given the opportunity to be free. It seems simple enough. Well, until the judge issues the instruction to the jury that imprison Bruce Wayne is the case that is not possible .. and inadvertently left the "do not". The jury, now confused, thinking that they have to choose between death and let it roam the streets a few years, raising the death.

The consequences:
It may take more than 10 years and some time to reverse the appeals court decision that the state of California for nearly executes Bruce Wayne typo. Of course, at that conference had cost, up to hundreds of thousands, if not millions want to be counted, using the tax could make California bankrupt.
5.       By the said Vacancy In English Added to
Because English is a bit of a wide range of languages, then you will find that English includes words from many crazy places. However, now and forever you'll find the words in English etymological dictionary that is not derived from Greek or Latin. "Dord", introduced to the world in 1931, as one said.
This delightful word first appeared in Webster's Third New International Dictionary as a noun in the physics and chemistry of matter density. Since then, "dord" from worn by the editor. After extensive research by which we can assume as Grammar policy, expressed that "dord" was originally asked on 31 July 1931 by Austin M. Patterson, editor of Webster's chemistry, to reading "D or d", an abbreviation of density. But, if the distance between the letters are too close ..
The consequences:
When you observe, you will be surprised by the information available from this mistake from day to day, month to month, even year after year. How do we know this? Medium: Do not glued to the Grammar Police, especially for English.
6.       Chilean Currency Exchange
When the president of the Chilean Mint accidentally let a series of tie circulating coin misprint, there will be no awkward though there is no notification. Even so, it would not be amazing if we spend the money paper misprint.
In this case, the engraver Pedro Urzua Lizana guilty in December 2008. Under the agreement Lizana, Iniguez, and several other employees, the Chilean Mint incorrectly spell the name of their own country.
The consequences:
Only God knows how many coins "Chiie" already circulating, because not until 10 months later, people began to see it. The whole cabal was fired because of embarrassing oversight, and the Chilean government had no other choice but to let the coins still circulating. However, those responsible may be crying throughout his life since the coins made goods collection. The same goes for you, if you think that a coin worth 50 pesos a misprint is more valuable than a dime a truck.

7.       The Wicked Bible
Although not a secret that the Bible has undergone more changes than Star Wars, people need to look further reprints the King James Bible in 1631, better known as the Wicked Bible.
To reprint the King James Bible, the government printing Robert Barker and Martin Lucas should arrange the exact duplicate of the original book and all that are in them by 1189 chapter, verse 31 101 and 783 137 words, as Mahershalalhashbaz which became misspelled. However, since the printing of the book equivalent of a wood carving, then one can eliminate typing errors only a word in Exodus 20:14. Unfortunately, one of the missing words from the 783 137 who said there is a very important part of speech. Yup, "Thou Shalt commit adultery", which means "You fornicate".
The consequences:

Historians have not reached consensus on whether this is a ground fault in the English-speaking population bastard. We know, King Charles I ordered to remove the printing business license and fined 300 pounds. King then ordered to burn every copy of a book that is, until now only 11 books left alone. However, there is karma, King Charles I became king of England a first in the history of his trial on charges of treason and then executed....

Monday 26 August 2013

7 Diseases That Embarrassing

7 Diseases That Embarrassing
This is the 7 kinds of diseases that are considered embarrassing for most people .
1.       Excessive sweating
Levels of shame were moderate , because it can be associated with body odor and are reluctant to seek help . Penyebabya could be due to excessive production of sweat glands , stress or an overactive thyroid
To be able to overcome relaxation exercises to control the tension or using deodorant with antiperspirant strong . It could not hurt to call the doctor and do a blood test to determine thyroid problem or not ..

2.       hemorrhoids
Levels of embarrassment are , because it can make a person uncomfortable to move . The cause is due to the widening of the veins in the anus or rectum . This disease usually cause itching , pain and discomfort when sitting . If still early can be treated with some movement exercises , exercise or eat a lot of vegetables , but if it is severe to do surgery .

3.       Foot odor
High levels of shame , because it deals with the slovenly personal habits . The reason could be a combination of sweaty feet with a lack of hygiene , the use of improper footwear or an infection . How to cope with change socks every day , diligently cleaning the feet and shoes regularly wash .

4.       Excess hair in women
very high level of embarrassment , fear of being labeled like a man . Causes of unwanted hair growth is often due to hereditary factors , diseases that exist in his body or the side effects of a drug .
The fix could be doing waxing , shaving , using creams hair thresher , laser treatments or electrolysis . If the problem is caused by hormonal factors , then there is no harm if the requested medical assistance .

5.       Breasts in men ( gynecomastia )
High levels of shame , because it usually occurs in women . Causes of breast growth in males is due to a disturbance in the hormone testosterone and estrogen . This disorder causes the nipple to be sore , swollen breasts or both . In some cases may disappear by itself , but there is also a permanent and require medical assistance .

6.       erectile dysfunction
Current level of embarrassment is lower than before . Possible causes are circulatory problems , depression , diabetes , alcohol consumption , medication side effects or psychosexual problems . But usually not found a specific cause .
If you want to handle it yourself try to reduce alcohol , quitting smoking , exercising regularly and avoiding the use of viagra for sale free . If no progress is made , it could not hurt to consult with experts in order to know the cause .

7.       snore
These health issues have a high level of embarrassment , and often make a person less sleep . The causes can vary as anatomical abnormalities in the jaw and throat , because sleeping on your back or it could be due to the presence of polyps in the nose .

This problem could be one of the early symptoms of respiratory distress at night . Premises should consult a doctor if this continues and it is very disturbing bedtime .

Sunday 25 August 2013

7 Benefits of Eating Shrimp

7 Benefits of Eating Shrimp
Shrimp seafood is delicious and very healthy for people with normal cholesterol levels . This is because the shrimp low in calories and saturated fat . However , despite the relatively high cholesterol content , the study shows that the result does not raise the ocean 's overall cholesterol levels . Indeed , there was an increase LDL is the bad cholesterol , but levels of HDL which is good cholesterol also increased . If you are afraid of cholesterol , grilled or steamed shrimp dish and enjoy a variety of benefits for your health .
1.       prevent cancer
Every 85 grams of steamed shrimp can meet 48 percent of the daily amount of selenium body . Selenium deficiency has been associated with various types of cancer , including prostate cancer . Researchers at the Institute of Food Research ( IFR ) revealed that the combination of sulforaphane and selenium increased immune cancer as much as 13 -fold. Suforaphane rich foods include broccoli , cabbage , and other cruciferous vegetables results . In addition to preventing cancer , selenium is also able to increase the body's resistance to disease and infection .

2.       Maintain healthy skin , hair , and nails
Shampoo and lotion that not even the most expensive will be useful for your hair and skin without adequate protein intake . Protein is contained in every part of the living tissue and shrimp are a very rich source of the mineral. Calorie levels were low enough so it fits with the diet that you are running 
3.       prevent anemia
Shrimp contain 21 percent of vitamin B12 , which is a nutritional support production of red blood cells that can help prevent anemia . Vitamin B12 also helps manufacture of DNA , the genetic material contained in each cell . This will make the metabolism of proteins , carbohydrates , and fats in the cells of the body is complete .

4.       improve energy
Fatigue and feeling weak ? The symptoms are an indication of a lack of iron levels in the body . Shrimp are rich in the iron content . By eating the seafood , the intake of iron , which is an essential nutrient in the formation of the energy will be met . Energy to be obtained will not be excessive because it contains no calories high .

5.       strengthen bones
Animals were included in the class Crustacea contains phosphorus in the body . Calcium and phosphorus are two substances that will work together to form strong bones and teeth . In eating shrimp , should be eaten with the skin because the skin contains shrimp " glucosamine " is beneficial to help the formation of cartilage in bone joints . Depletion or damage to the cartilage will result in severe pain in the joints , which is commonly referred to as calcification .

6.       Helps process fat
Niacin ( vitamin B3 ) is contained in the shrimp can help the processing of fats, carbohydrates , and proteins into energy for the body . Niacin also serves to maintain healthy skin and prevent skin scaly .

7.       Reduce the risk of depression

Just like fish , shrimp also contain essential fatty acids , omega - 3 . Research has shown that omega - 3 can provide strong protection against depression and may help improve mood for those who are suffering from the disorder . In addition , omega - 3 can increase intelligence.

Saturday 24 August 2013

7 The Natural Genesis Rare In Meet

7 The Natural Genesis Rare In Meet
Nature is something of an omnipotent creation, nature can bring something as a sign or anything. The following 7 rare natural occurrence
1.       rainbow Moon
Rainbow occurs because the sun shines on droplets of dew, usually occurs in the atmosphere after the rain. More rare moonbow, only visible at night when the moon was at a low point at the time of the full moon almost full. One popular place to look is at the waterfall Moonbow Cumberland in the U.S. kentucky.

2.       mirage
Mirage appear when refracted light and produce an image of an object or the sky when it actually does not exist. This phenomenon usually occurs on hot surfaces, such as asphalt roads or desert sand.

3.       Venus belt
Belt of Venus is a phenomenon that appears at dusk when a set of dusty reddish and brownish sky appeared between the sky and the horizon.

4.       Noctilucent clouds
Noctilucent clouds are very high clouds in the atmosphere that refract light at dusk when the sun had sunk, illuminating / illuminated the sky with invisible light source.

5.       Aurora Borealis
In the southern hemisphere is also known as the Aurora Australis, Aurora Borealis is electrically charged particles from the sun that has reached the top of the earth's atmosphere and become very active. Aurora is usually often seen in areas near the poles and at the time when day and night equal in length.

6.       Mammatus clouds
Strange cloud shape is often associated with storms, and can not fully understand how clouds are formed.

7.       Fire Whirls

Vortex tornado that spun fire is too close to a forest fire or a vortex is formed because there is too much heat in the area.